Ghost Recon Wildlands Ladda ner gratis fullständig version PC
Ghost Recon Wildlands Download on PC Info Game
Ghost Recon Wildlands Download is the next edition launched in 2001 a series of action games, name-branded cult writer Tom Clancy and tells of the doings of the legendary American task force. For the creation of the game corresponds to the Parisian branch company Ubisoft, who previously collaborated the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Production is dedicated to users of popular PCs and eighth-generation consoles.
Ghost Recon Wildlands Download The game takes place in Bolivia, where powerful drug cartel called Santa Blanca, contributes to the growth of fear, violence and lawlessness. Behind enemy lines he is sent elite squad of American soldiers, and his task is to introduce confusion in the ranks of smugglers and curb impure interests, connecting them with the corrupt government of Bolivia. In terms of mechanics, the game definitely stands out from previous series of hits, which we made further missions according to a specific scenario.
Ghost Recon Wildlands INFO
- Filnamn: Ghost Recon Wildlands – Skidrow
- Filtyp: EXE
- Plattform: PC
- Språkspel: ENG
- Ytterligare information: En gång installerat, kör spelet. Det kräver inte spricka
Ghost Recon Wildlands Download on PC
Ghost Recon Wildlands Buy Game
How to install Ghost Recon Wildlands?
1. Ladda ner spelet.
2. Kör det nedladdade installationsprogrammet för spelet.
3. Installera spelet enligt instruktionerna på skärmen.
4. I slutet av installationen, aktivera skidrow.
5. När den är korrekt installerad, starta spelet.
6. Spela.
Hårdvarukrav Spel
- DU: Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Core i3-530 3.06 GHz or AMD Phenom II X3 715
- Bagge: 4 GB RAM
- Grafikkort: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 / AMD Radeon HD 7670 eller bättre
- Disk utrymme: 45 GBHDD
- Dessutom: Internetanslutning krävs
This time the developers gave into the hands of the players a huge, open world, you can wander by sea, air or land, using the wide range of vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, boats and helicopters. With this change, the game comes a little more towards the solutions known from the series such as the Far Cry and Just Cause. The action here is completely non-linear, and the development of the story is shaped entirely by the actions of players whose choices bring with them certain consequences in the game world.
In terms of the housing Ghost Recon Wildlands Download PC presents a very high level of performance, and while having fun traverse the varied scenery, characteristic landscape Bolivia – from snow-capped mountain peaks, through deserts to tropical jungles and indigenous villages in the ending. Som i föregående serie, Också i Ghost Recon Wildlands Download we can play both alone and in co-op, designed for up to four people.