Little Nightmares Preuzmite punu verziju Skidrow
Little Nightmares Download on PC Info Game
Little Nightmares Download Skidrow is an original platform game created by the independent Tarsier Studios team. Production was announced in 2015, initially under the title Hunger. The project, funded by the Nordic Game Program, was named “Best Independent Game” at gamescom 2016. The game has been on many platforms, including Windows. Ин Little Nightmares Download Skidrow, the player takes on the role of Six – a girl in a yellow raincoat, who was kidnapped by monsters and hit the underwater complex called The Maw. The task awaiting her is to escape from this ghastly place – achieving the goal is not easy, Међутим, because the heroine must face the various dangers inspired by childhood horrors.
Little Nightmares INFO
- Назив документа: Литтле Нигхтмарес – Скидров
- Тип датотеке: ЕКСЕ
- Платформа: ПЦ
- Лангуаге Гамес: ЕНГ
- Додатне Информације: Једном инсталиран, покрени игру. Не захтева пукотине
Little Nightmares Download on PC
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How to install Little Nightmares?
1. Преузмите игру.
2. Покрените преузети инсталациони програм игре.
3. Инсталирајте игру према упутствима на екрану.
4. На крају инсталације, активирати скидров.
5. Када је правилно инсталиран, почну утакмицу.
6. Игра.
Little Nightmares Download on PC Video
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Little Nightmares Download Skidrow brings to mind the production of cult like Limbo. The action is presented in a side-by-side perspective, and the gameplay is based on jumping across platforms and solving environmental puzzles that require dexterity and logical thinking – thus unlocking the way to the next room, moving towards the exit of the Pussycat. The threat to the life of the protagonist is primarily a nightmare, overgrown opponents, such as the scary cook, with whom only a lighter girl can not fight. The player must therefore sneak behind their backs, careful not to make too much noise around themselves – drawing the attention of the opponents may end up for Six tragically.
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