Gameplay-facilitating trainer for Hogwarts Legacy Trainer FLiNG Download. Please note that this file may not work with your version of the game.
Hogwarts Legacy Trainer FLiNG Download
Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Edit Max Health
Num 3 – Infinite Ancient Magic Energy
Num 4 – Max Combo
Num 5 – Infinite Item Usage
Num 6 – Spells Instant Cooldown
Num 7 – Set Player Speed
Num 8 – Set Movement Speed
Num 9 – Set Game Speed
Num 0 – One Hit Kills
Num . – Damage Multiplier
Num + – Defense Multiplier
Num – – Life Leech (%)
Ctrl+Num 1 – Stealth Mode
Ctrl+Num 2 – Infinite Exp
Ctrl+Num 3 – Exp Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 4 – Shop Items Cost 0 Money
Ctrl+Num 5 – Gain Money When Buying Items
Ctrl+Num 6 – Money Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 7 – Loots Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 8 – Max Extraordinary Gear Drop Rate
Ctrl+Num 9 – Max Legendary Gear Drop Rate
About the game Hogwarts Legacy.
What do we know about Hogwarts Legacy?
Hogwarts Legacy is an action RPG set in the world created by J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter series of books. The following studios are responsible for the game:
Portkey Games,
Avalanches Software
and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
For a long time, the title hung in limbo and players feared that it was canceled, which fortunately did not come true.
The plot and the world at Hogwarts in the 19th century
In the game we play the role of a young wizard or a young witch. Our character has just started school. However, it turns out that we possess an extraordinary ability that will prove extremely important in the face of an imminent threat in the wizarding world.
The creators of the game point out that the writer J.K. Rowling is not directly involved in the game.
The whole game takes place in the title school of magic and wizardry – in Hogwarts, many years before the events of the books. The game offers free exploration of both the castle and its surroundings (Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade). We will visit locations known from movies and books as well as those not shown before. The world is full of life and offers plenty of activity.