Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download DLC PC

Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download DLC PC

Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass Download


Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download on PC Info Game

Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download DLC on a Windows PC is the first paid expansion of the Battlefield 1, which appeared in stores in October 2016 year. Schlachtfeld 1 for the first time in the history of the series moved players in the realities of World War I, offering the opportunity to fight on different fronts of the conflict. For the production base and the addition corresponds to the Swedish studio DICE, which is since 2006 part of the company Electronic Arts. Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download DLC offers a new game mode called front line. It is a combination of two existing replayabilityConquest and Assault. Both sides of the conflict ongoing struggle to interconnected place on the front linesare competing for control of a single goal, and after his capture join the fight for the next one.

Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass INFO

  • Dateiname: Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass – Skidrow
  • Dateityp: EXE
  • Plattform: PC
  • Sprachspiele: ENG
  • Zusätzliche Information: Einmal installiert, führe das Spiel aus. Crack ist nicht erforderlich

Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download on PC

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How to install Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass?

1. Lade das Spiel herunter.
2. Führen Sie das heruntergeladene Installationsprogramm des Spiels aus.
3. Installieren Sie das Spiel gemäß den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.
4. Am Ende der Installation, Skidrow aktivieren.
5. Bei korrekter Installation, Starte das Spiel.
6. Spielen.

Hardwareanforderungen Spiele

  • Betriebssystem: Fenster 7/8/8.1/10 64-bisschen
  • Zentralprozessor: Intel Core i5 6600K 3.5 GHz/AMD FX-6350 3.9 GHz
  • RAM: 8 GB-RAM
  • Grafikkarte: 2 GB GeForce GTX 660/Radeon HD 7850 oder besser
  • Festplattenplatz: 50 GB-Festplatte
  • Zusätzlich: Internetverbindung erforderlich

After mastering the General Staff and all available checkpoints stage begins like a Onslaught mode, in which teams attack telegraphs or try to defend them against opponents.
Cleaner trenches is a new class of elite introduced by addition. It specializes in melee combat and in the use of grenades. Using a special stick and an arsenal of explosives can wreak havoc in the enemy ranks. During the game we now also have the opportunity to direct the new Behemoth (special vehicle combat) – superciężkim French tank Char 2C. The creators have provided the tank St. Chamond and howitzer siege, which supports soldiers Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download DLC.

Schlachtfeld 1 They Shall Not Pass Download on PC Video

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